Whether you are planning to sell your Calgary home or wish to stay there for years to come, you must maintain your yard and focus on landscaping. A well-maintained and manicured landscape look delighting to potential home buyers and homeowners as well. If you are short on time and finances to maintain your home landscape, don't worry. We have got some simple and budget tips for you. Following these easy DIY home landscaping tips, you will feel good whenever you look out of your window or enter your property.

De-clutter the Area

If you are not sure where to start from, think about the first thing you see when you come home. Start from the front area and start clearing the lot. De-clutter your front yard and remove all the unnecessary things lying…

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You try to visit as many homes as possible to find the perfect house when looking for a new home in the Edmonton real estate market. Sometimes you end up seeing several homes in a day. With so many visits at a stretch, there is a chance you may miss out on certain home details. To avoid missing out on these things, here are five tips to consider for a home tour.

Carry Your Tools

For a successful home tour, it is necessary to go prepared with certain tools. During such visits, the owner of the house or their estate agent may inform you of the land area details of the house. With lack of a measuring tape, you cannot verify if the information is correct. To avoid this, always carry a measuring tape, camera, and a notebook. You could use the measuring…

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home moving checklist
So you are planning to move to a new house in Calgary? Congratulations! We have made the moving process easier by creating this home moving checklist so that you don’t have to go through any stress. Keep this home moving checklist handy weeks before the actual moving day.

Weeks Before Moving

  • First thing, find a good home-moving company to make your moving process easier.
  • Get your home cleaned, painted, repaired, and make it ready for the next family to move in at the earliest.
  • Make a list of things you’ll take along and things you’ll leave behind.
  • Call gas, water, electricity, cable, internet providers and cancel the services from the date you will move. You can also ask them to transfer the services to your new address.
  • Notify the…

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real estate agent in Edmonton
There is no doubt that an expert real estate agent in Edmonton will guide you throughout the process of buying a new home. However, there are a few things that your agent expects you to know. We have listed a few things that your real estate agent would wish you knew before buying a new home in Edmonton.

1. Setting Realistic Expectations

The first thing that your real estate agent in Edmonton expects you to know is your budget. And based on your budget, you must have realistic expectations of a house and facilities available in and around that house. Your agent doesn’t want you to be disappointed in knowing that you cannot afford a particular house you like. Hence, know your budget and have expectations that can fit within your budget.

2. Buying…

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buying a home in Calgary
After finalizing on the dream home, the major concern that worries a buyer is the mortgage on the house. When buying a home in Calgary, people often mess up good deals as they are not aware of how much of a new home they can afford and how to get a loan for a mortgage. There are various mistakes that can affect your mortgage. Here are some of them which you should avoid.

A Bad Credit Score

The first and the most important thing that a lender looks when viewing your mortgage application is your credit score. A credit score is something you should check even before you look for a house. It gives a complete insight of your credit history to the lender. If you have a bad credit score, you may end up with a very high-interest rate or in the worst case,…

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open house ready
If you are planning to sell your house in Calgary, you must know that the outer appearance of your home is not the only factor that affects the selling price. The condition, environment, and appearance of every room of your house play a vital role in appealing potential home buyers. We understand how important it is to make your bathroom open house ready if you are planning to sell your house. Hence, in this article, we have listed a few tips for making your bathroom open house ready.

Clear the Surfaces

Apart from cleaning your bathroom from roof to floor, you must also declutter the space. Clear the surfaces of counters. Take off all the personal hygiene products and daily toiletries such as toothbrushes, soaps, hair brushes, combs, hair dryers,…

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buy a new house
Many homebuyers focus on the location, essential amenities that are available and the price of the homes when they plan to buy a new house in Edmonton. What they often fail to consider is the age of the house. The age of the house plays a vital role in contributing to its overall condition. There are several different elements you need to consider such as the cost, mortgage rates, underlying problems, etc.
If you are confused whether you should buy a new house or an old one, we are here to help you. Here are a few pros and cons of buying a new or old house in Edmonton.

Pros of Buying a New House

  • As the newer houses are recently built, the chances of problems arising and need for repairs in the near future is less.

  • Newer homes…

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buying a house in Edmonton
There is a new trend in the realty market with a large number of millennial buyers making plans of buying a house in Edmonton. Millennials are a different group of buyers altogether. To attract them to your house, you need to have a deep understanding of what they want. Here are a few factors to make your home more appealing to the millennial buyers.

Open Floor Plan

The new generation is all about no clutter. They do not want to be crowded with too many things. To appeal to such buyers, make sure your house has an open floor plan. Compared to compartmentalized rooms, large open spaces will appeal to such buyers. It also gives them the freedom to redesign the house the way they want.

Low Maintenance

The millennials are always on the go. They do…

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home repairs in Calgary
No matter how much you love your home, the components in your home that you use on a daily basis can become ineffective, especially when they are over 10 years old. You will have to call a Realtor in order to repair or replace your home components from professionals every decade to keep your home functional for long. Here are a few home repairs in Calgary that you can do in every 10 years.

Re-paint Your House

If you haven’t painted your home or some parts of it, now is the time to paint them. Paint your house in and out in every 10 years. The paint from your home walls can peel and chip, have cracks or mold growth on them. In fact, Calgary has a continental humid climate that may require repainting every five years or so.

Get New Electricals

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buying a home in Edmonton
You may be interested to invest a lot of your hard earned money into buying a home in Edmonton or even renting it. Hence, you must know everything about these two options, buying and renting, before actually shelling out the money from your pocket. In this article, we have explained some important aspects that can help you take the best decision of whether you should buy a home or rent it.


Buying a home in Edmonton is unarguably expensive than renting it. Buying a home involves the upfront costs, property taxes, mortgage costs, repair and maintenance costs, etc. Renting a home involves the security deposits, monthly rents, and personal expenses such as laundry and pet costs. Unlike homeowners, renters don’t have to bear property taxes,…

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