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New kitchen or fresh paint? With some simple preparation, a little paint and a free weekend, you can transform the look and feel of your kitchen in just a couple of days. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you started.
Prep the area
Empty your cabinets and remove the doors by unscrewing the hinges and pulling the doors away from the units. Wipe the surfaces clean with a damp cloth.
Clean and sand
If your cabinets have a glossy finish, you’ll need to sand that away before you start painting. Take a sanding sponge or high-grit sandpaper (100- to 150-grit), and sand until you have a matte finish. Once you’ve sanded, wipe the dust away with a damp cloth and allow the cabinets to completely dry.
Pick the right paint
An on-trend gloss or semi-gloss paint is…

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