Get To Know Rashid Malik - MaxWell's newest Broker/Owner
Posted by MaxWell Realty Admin on
MaxWell Realty has recently had the pleasure of welcoming Rashid Malik to the family. Rashid opened the doors of MaxWell Central in February of 2019 and we thought it was time that the rest of the world got to know him! Check out our interview with Rashid below:
1. How many have you spent in the industry, as an agent?
14 years from January 2005
2. What led you to want to make the change to being an owner/broker?
14 years in the industry have helped me improve my knowledge and expertise within the industry. Building a professional network and creating a fun filled, successful career, led me to step-up and establish this brokerage. I want to grow - even knowing that growth in anything can be unfamiliar or…
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